Substance Abuse

❖ Alco-pops (flavored alcohol beverages) like Sky Blue, Smirnoff Ice, Frozen Paradise and Bacardi Ice are marketed towards adolescent girls and are known as “gateway” beverages.

❖ One third of all teen girls over 12 have tried flavored alcoholic drinks.

❖ One in four admits to driving home after drinking or riding with someone who had been drinking, and one in six admits to being sexually active after drinking.

❖ On average, girls have their first drink at 13 years old.

❖ An estimated 4.5 million girls ages 12-17 reported consuming alcohol. (2004)

❖ Girls who abuse alcohol are 11 times more likely to have an eating disorder.

❖ Teenage girls who are heavy drinkers are 5 times more likely to engage in sexual intercourse, and one third less likely to use condoms, which can result in pregnancy and STD’s.

❖ Alcohol is involved in up to two thirds of all sexual assaults and date rapes among


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