How do you discern when it’s God speaking?

Over and over I hear the question, “How do you discern when it’s God speaking?”

As for me, I read His Word, claim His promises, pray, then step out on faith to see if the doors open or close. I look for opportunities, put my faith out there and then wait for confirmations, which seem to come to me in threes.

I used to wait and wait and wait on God to speak, so afraid to make a mistake. I didn’t want to miss Him, but seemed to miss opportunities I knew He orchestrated. Then, I started noticing a pattern in His Word. Ask, Seek, Knock, Go, Tell, Believe, Repent. Words of action! Words of faith! Then I realized…Faith is Proactive!

Like Nike says, “Just do it!” Does this mean to haphazardly make foolish decisions and get ahead of God? Certainly not! But waiting can turn you into a procrastinator until you find yourself not growing or going anywhere…fast.

Don’t misunderstand me. There is a time to be still. “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10) I once spent a whole year being still. That was the season I was in as God was preparing me for the call. I needed to learn to listen and discern. To be quiet and hear His voice.

Over the last 2 years I feel like He has had His hands around my ankles, directing every step, but every now and then I still miss Him. I keep pressing on, running the race He has set before me, knowing that as long as I am moving, He can steer me the right way. If you are not stepping, how can God redirect your steps?

What if the Disciples had sat around waiting because they didn’t feel prepared or qualified? Sometimes I am Peter, a little rough around the edges and quite capable of cutting someone’s ear off. lol

My point is this: Make a choice according to His Word and your passion and move forward in one direction so He can redirect your steps N, S, E, or W, if need be. If you are moving in the right direction, there will be confirmation after confirmation. But look for the detours that He uses to reroute you and the roadblocks He puts there to STOP you along the way, and follow HIM.

The whole journey is all about TRUST. We call it “The Great Adventure!”